dinsdag, augustus 09, 2011

Aduh! Indonesia!

Hello everyone!

It's been TOO LONG! I've been to Indonesia and back and honestly, I've tried to write SO MANY TIMES but there just wasn't any time... :( I did keep my facebook status updated and also tried to keep my twitter friends posted, but writing an actual blog post with pictures and all the fancy stuff.. Nope. Gomen!!

So here it is, my first post in like a month.. yet another "This is what I'm going to do" post :(
I've been back in over a week now and I haven't been able to post anything yet because I've had 'other priorities'. I have to study for this very important resit in a couple of weeks and I'm busy (slowly but gradually) cleaning and reorganizing my tiny room with loads of stuff. A few days ago I managed to sort my closet and throw a lot of junk away; old make up, hair stuff, skin products and .. dun dun dunnn clothes!
It seems that I'm a semi-horder. It's hard for me to throw stuff away. o_o" (This scares me.)

Anywho! As I said I've been to Indonesia and I will post a lot of marvelous pictures when I sorted them all out (because there are SO MANY....)
I will also show you what I bought :3 (Since Indonesia is way cheaper than the Netherlands. -not to mention better for my skin/hair/mood & cuter-)

 Pink clutch, batik (pink) clutch, brown wallet thingy (I got that one for free), piggie card holder, I am your best friendS (Gotta love the engrish) card holder, a little card holder for my publictransportchipcard XD and a little box for my meds~
 A nice hat for at the beach, skinny belt, wooden bracelet (Balinese art on it), a (big) ring, a hair pin, a cross necklace <3, another random necklace I got for free, a beautiful crystal (glass) necklace (I also got that one for free), a watch, an angel love (boy) necklace, wing earrings and a silver wing ring <3
 Skin products! Most of them are meant to make you whiter (not that I need that), but they're really good for my skin type. No idea what my skin type is, all I know is that those things work way better than the (EXPENSIVE) things I buy back home!!
There's also my trademark pucelle collogne. I always have one bottle with, and mostly wear it all the time. <3 LOVE.
 MY AGNES CD *________________________* <3
Other random stuff LOL! There's this one thing that will give me double eyelids, since I'm really curious if that works and what it will look like I just bought it. Will blog about my experience with it! ^_^ The blue bunny is a USB thing.. XD SO CUTE.

Well that's all for now, it's time for me to hop on into bed.. everyone, I missed you all! <3


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Jij hebt meer gekocht dan ik XD (snacks zijn al bijna op)
    Cute stuffz Dessi! XDD <3

  2. Hahaha thanks~ veel dingen wou ik al heel graag hebben =D
