zondag, juni 26, 2011

See you in a week

Ugh, I've got a rough week up ahead... Lol. When that's over I can finally breathe again!!

I've been wanting to post some stuff here, lots to talk about! I've been thinking of a  lot of subjects I wanted to discuss, but never had the time. So this post is to let you know that I am still alive xD and that I am planning on writing A LOT after all of my deadlines.

I've been very inspired by Michelle Phan and her friends, so I might start posting make up, fashion and hair related posts too, if I feel like sharing it. I'm really insecure about stuff like that, but hey I'll try.
I'm also going to Indonesia for about 3,5 weeks, so I'll talk about that too. ;)

Well for now, goodluck with all of your work, if you have any!