dinsdag, augustus 16, 2011

[Day Zero Project] Update!

Hi guys!
It's time again, I have to update my Day Zero Project. :3 Since I've been to Indonesia I couldn't update this!
8.    Finish my internship
11.  Clean my room
15.  Throw out the clothes/stuff I don’t want/give it away/sell them

 As you can see I finished my internship AND I sorted my clothes! (Which was time, since I bought a lot of new stuff for Indonesia and when I was in Indonesia! My closet couldn't hold it anymore...)
I've been in a cleaning mood, because my entire room is going overboard! Will talk more about that when It's done.. :)

37.   Buy 5 dresses (5/5)
38.   Buy groceries
40.   Buy 3 CDs of some of my favorite artists (2/3)

Like I said! I've bought some clothes in Indonesia.... ^^ Might post some pics later.. :3 I also bought groceries today rofl, I buy them quite a lot actually... and I bought a CD from Agnes Monica <3 (I already posted something about this)

44.   Go to Indonesia
47.   Go to 5 cities I’ve never been before (3/5)

INDONESIAAAA *O* .. I also stayed in Singapore for one night.. I loved it! It's so clean! O_O I'd love to check out the city for more days :3

85.   Watch the sunset
Well, as to be expected from an amazing country as Indonesia. I watched the sunset for a lot of times... <3
I also watched some movies, but I will blog about that another time, so I can comment on the movies too. :3

vrijdag, augustus 12, 2011


Hi there!

This time I won’t be talking about makeup, but about shoes. ;) I’m quite the shoe-holic as far as my purse allows me. Heels are my absolute FAVORITE! There is no better shoe. Ok, when we talk comfortable shoes, I might go for Converse, but that’s not what I want to talk about today. (Maybe  another day?)

Anyway, since my trip to Indonesia I’ve been dying to find me some perfect shoes and unfortunately I couldn’t find the right ones (within my budget……..). That’s why I’ve been surfing around the net for the last couple of days. Here are some shoes that caught my attention (30 to be exact.. yes, I might have a slight addiction.)
I thought it’d be best if I sorted the shoes in groups:

High heels
What better than to start with high heels. Personally I browse for ‘pumps’ more than I browse for high heels, but who cares what you name them, just look at them!

I’ll start off with this nude beauty.. Oh the love! I’ve been searching like a madwoman in Indonesia and when I FINALLY found them, I had to rush past them :( Couldn’t even take a quick look T^T. I was in pain. Deep pain. [Souce]

I love nude heels but unfortunately I don’t own any. I really want a pair!

Other heels I just love and want to share:

Seriously  I am in love with these. *_* [source]

Male inspired shoes
I am in love with these as well!! Every time I see Spencer Hastings [Troian Bellisario] (Pretty Little Liars) I want a pair myself. (I actually have a pair that look like those. ^^)

I love Spencer’s style! I’ll write about PLL another time though. :) ..Spencer is on the left btw.

Male inspired shoes look like these! [source]

These are more feminine.. ^^ [source]

They are so cute >.<

Here you see the differences from flats to heels [source]

Somehow I’m totally in love with these!! [source]

Look at this girls entire style btw >w<


 Peeptoe~ I really want one of these, but I don't like the idea of a peeptoe when it's cold... (since summer didn't come to Holland) [source]

Heels! [source]

Wedge Heels 
Lately I've also been seeing a lot of wedge heels. I've never been a fan of wedge heels because I just love a thin long spike I guess XD But recently, after looking more closely there actually are a few that are pretty awesome!

Wauw! *_* [source]

The strange, exciting trendy heels
Then you also have the 'weird' shoes. I saw a few stars at the Teen Choice Awards wear some of these, like Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars).

 Not weird, persee, but look at that huuuuge block! Sorry, that's against my long thin spike way :p [source]

I'd try these, they look interesting~ [source]

 Now that's a platform! [source]
This reminds me of ice skating? [source]
These aren't weird, but a new trend is bright colors... I'm mor of a person to go with black though. I do like the colors! *-* [source]
..yeah, not weird either... but pretty nonetheless *_*. These are more wedding like I guess. (I've never been to a proper wedding!!) [source]

That were all the shoes I found the past couple of days! Sorry if it was a long read.. I'm so excited when it comes down to shoes.

(and if I have major typos, my keyboard is being a bitch lately and won't type everything I push. :( boo!!)