dinsdag, maart 22, 2011


...hi-bicycle? That's not what Shuuji says XD

One of my Day Zero Project assigments was to cycle to my internship~ I did that today! XD The weather is nice, so I thought what the heck. ^~^ It was quite nice... but when I arrived we didn't have the key LOL, so after half an hour or so we all cycled to the Ikea to eat or drink something.. it was fun! ^^
After that I went home and fell asleep thinking I'd go for a power nap, which turned out to be 4 hrs of not-working but dreaming.... :/ Made up for that after though!! ^^

Anyway! *puts another euro in the cowbank*

My cowbank when it was filled with candy which was disgusting :p I bought it because of its cuteness though ~ ^___^

zondag, maart 20, 2011

Day Zero Project Update

Ola Mishamigos! I mean.. Deshiamigos? .. that doesn't sound right. ANYWAY. I've done a few things that I've listed in my day zero project list!

Watch 20 movies in the cinema

I've been to two movies already, so I'm 3 down!

Last week I saw I am number four, which is a very very good movie! I haven't seen a movie which has a trailer that doesn't show all the highlights in a movie in a while, but this one is like that.. ^^ You should def. watch it!!

Today I watched the Rite, it was a good movie too... I'm kinda fastinated by the whole Angel - Devil thing.. Lucifer, demons, angels, church, faith.. to sum it up: God. Sounds really tacky and not like me at all, because I mostly don't write about my faith or religion (I think that it is something you should keep to yourself) but I want to learn a lot about it and I've noticed that I'm watching a lot of movies and shows about it. I'm guessing Supernatural's twist with Angels triggered it all. My love for Cass is an example of that XD. I've always had a 'thing' for angels.. they fascinate me!

Watch all Misha Collins movies

About 2 weeks ago I watched "Karla"... OHMYGOOOOODDDD, that movie is disturbing!! Not to mention that it's based on real events.. I'm guessing that's what got Misha interested in the role (or not, lol. But he seems like someone who wants interesting roles.) .. I was really shocked everytime Misha, or -what'shisname- (Don't remember the chara's name he played =$ .. I tend to have this a lot lately o.0) changed his mood.. That was even scarier than the rest of his actions!

Mood swings I tell ya.

Whoops. Had to add this one. *grin*

You should def. watch it because I think it's worth watching not just because of Misha ('s hot body), but because it's a good movie!

Play a board game

YAY! I played a board game when I was a friend's birthday party ^^ *strikes it down and puts a euro into my cow bank! (I have a cow bank, yes)* We played Scotland Yard if I'm not mistaken.. it's a funny game XD!

Meet new people

I also met new people at that party!! ^~^ It was fun finally meeting new people.. I've been stuck thinking of old friends for far too long.. however I did not speak to them a lot... I'm out to meet more new people.. and out to forget certain things of my past. *strikes it down also and puts another euro in my cow bank!*

Go clubbing

*strikes it down as well and puts ANOTHER euro in the cow bank* ! =D I went clubbing last night with 2 of my good friends ^^ It was a lot of fun!

Curl my hair

*GASPS* ANOTHER ONE! I also curled my hair when I went clubbing~ *puts another euro in the cow bank*

Oe, I'm out of euro's XD haha. That was all for this time though so I'm in luck...

'Till next time people, over and out ^~^

woensdag, maart 16, 2011

So much to do, so little time!


I've got too much to do.. I've been trying to write something for a whole week now, but everytime I open my blog I get distracted.... I'm currently (again) at my internship, allowing myself a break. :)
When I'm not at my internship I have to work on a lot of things (gotta make some money, eh! hahah) and when I'm not busy with that I'm probably out watching a movie in the cinema or watching one of my must watch series. XD
So yeah, I'll try to make some time to blog about the things I've done.. I've been thinking about my day zero project and I've done a few too, but I just didn't get to making pictures of all of the things I did and I want to show you guys what I did... :(
Anyway! I'm going to have lunch with everyone right now!
Hopefully, I'll write again soon ^^

Ja ne~

donderdag, maart 03, 2011


Yesterday I went to see Rango! It's such a funny movie!
I really liked to do something after my internship, otherwise I just go to work, go home, watch a little useless TV and then go to bed to do just the same the next day.
I could spend a little time with my good friend, it was fun! ^^

I also listed going to the cinema 20 times in my Day Zero Project! ^^ 1/20! 19 to go... XD
Speaking of my day zero project.. I updated a few things, like the J2+Misha movies I have to watch. ^^ Excited to finish those!!

That's all for today, *ninja*, I'm at my internship ATM! I'm going to eat lunch with everyone now..

Ja ne!