maandag, september 26, 2011

How I tend my hair


I preettyy much have VERY LONG hair. At least that's what people always tell me and I just look at them like.... hmHmm, I know people with way longer hair but ok. Anyway, I do think that my hair is kind of my pride. I always try to keep my hair healthy and shiny! I've had a few people ask me how I do this. Well I'll try to give you some tips, but mostly I'll tell you my daily, weekly and monthly (more or less) process.

Well. I don't do squat daily, except for brushing and styling (I don't mean straightening, I say this because in dutch straightening means "stijlen"). I mostly don't use any products. Sometimes I use a little hairspray but honestly I don't have a lot of time in the moring. I spend that on my make up because I like my hair the way it is. 
I think this is exactly why my hair is healthy. It can 'breathe' if that's the right way to say. (Yes as you might have noticed I don't know much about hair or any terms or facts you should use, I just do something and it works! Anyway, let's proceed.) It doesn't have any heat or stress LOL. I used to straighten my hair a lot, but haven't done that in about a year or so. When I curl my hair I also don't heat any heat. (I do use A LOT OF HAIRSPRAY, but I only curl my hair when I have a party and I'm not that much of a party girl.)

I wash my hair every two to three days (just when I notice it becoming greasy) and in between I DO NOT MAKE IT WET because then it'll crash and burn (or rather, it will become like 'hay', very dry and frizzy). A few years ago I learned that the trick to washing your hair is having the right shampoo and conditioner. ALWAYS use the SAME shampoo and conditioner because then your hair can get used to the products, if you keep changing it'll just get 'stressed'. (When I did this, I noticed a change in my hair. Ever since I haven't changed my products.)
And I don't know about you guys, but my most important product is conditioner, if I don't use that my hair will, yet again, turn to hay. I really don't know what it is that conditioner does (lol, I'm such a noob) but my hair gets smooth and shiny just the way I want it to. 
I also can't use two in one products... brrr!! I seriously hate those things. It's probably possible to use when you have short hair (but I still think you shouldn't), but with long hair I strongly suggest you stop doing that, and use them seperately. The products I use are:
L'oreal Paris Elvive Nutri-Gloss Pearl and Shine - Light. (It's got green labels on it too) This picture is the normal version, whom I buy whenever I can't find the light ones, however I prefer the light one because my hair will last longer until my next washup. Whatever your shampoo and/or conditioner is, is probably not important. As long is it just works for you. :) I don't recommend using two different brands but whatever you want is fine by me.

When my hair is 'towel dry' (do you also say it like that in english? Cause that's how you say it in dutch) I put a little 'bolletje' (as I say in dutch) in my hair. This little black thing contains some kind of elixer (o.O) which makes my hair veerrryy smooth and shiny. I have to be careful not to put too much in my bangs because it'll make it greasy, but on my frizzy hair it works wonders. I spread it all over my hair and put it in a bun and let it soak in a little. I usually tend my hair right away after hitting the shower, so when I put on my PJs it's still tending the hair really nicely. It's an Indonesian product btw, because here in Holland they pretty much don't have products for my hair... but there are most def. products all over the world that have this effect on your hair, just try to find one that works for you! (Because everyone has different hair... :) thank God!)
Also, I mostly shower in the evening, before going to bed, so I (mainly) won't have to rush in the morning and so my hair can ease up over night... because my hair dryer makes my hair frizzy and it needs some hours to unfrizz. Anyway, like I said, when it soaked up I blow dry it (as thoroughly as possible, I'm lazy and I sometimes have 'wet spots' which cause my hair to frizz SO BADLY... that's why I should not let my hair dry up naturally, but if your hair can handle this than I recommend doing that!! Any heat on your hair is bad bad bad!) and afterwards I use some product that'll make it less frizzy and more shiny, this I only use after blow drying my hair because my hair is very poofy afterwards and I don't like that... So basically I use the ellips for the entire time until my next wash up and the other one for the times it needs extra attention (which is only after blow drying it).

Monthly (more or less):
I cut my hair every six weeks or so... mostly depending on when my hair starts showing split-ends. Back when I had bangs (and straightened my hair) I had to cut it sooner than I have to now. I want to advise you guys to regularly cut your hair so it can (if you want to have long hair) grow faster and stay healthy. No one wants those uuuugly split ends or dry ends. In case you want to have longer hair, this way you can have very healthy long hair without any split ends. It only takes a little while longer.
Around two years ago I cut my hair 10 cm because I wanted a change and I thought my hair was dead at the ends. This was the best thing I ever did for my hair... it's been healthy from top to end ever since. So don't fret when you cut your hair :) It'll grow back anyway! (You're also lucky when it grows fast.... which in my case, it does... but I do think that my attention to my hair works too.)
I also try to use a hair mask every now and then. I mostly do this with my BFF Lin (I like calling her this, sue me) XD because we just love doing stuff like that, but also when I have a lot of hair loss it just needs more attention and a hairmask is very good for that. Someone in Indonesia once gave me this tip because I was in despair about my hair loss. I still have a lot of hair loss obviously because I think that when you have long hair it comes naturally, but it's not that much that I worry about it.

Well, I guess that's my process of tending my hair! Oh and also, try and brush it every day XD... it's nice to brush it more than once a day too. Your hair won't break when it's all tangled up, but since my hair is kinda slippery it hardly ever is the case with me. (On a downside, my hair never stays up very long because it just 'slides' out of its model... boohoo :(!)

Well.... a few examples of my hair XD

Almost washing day
Freshly blow dried (it looked very awesome but didn't last long XD this hardly ever happens tho...)
Curled without heat
Pretty much my daily hair

zondag, september 25, 2011

Day Zero Project [Update]

Hi guys! Here we go again! ^^
20.  Go to the eyedoctor
Because of my diabetes my eyesight changes which means I sometimes can't see what it says on a board (like at school). It all can be explained because your lens is held together in some kind of sugar water in your eyes (otherwise it'd have to be held together by blood and we'd all see red... LOL don't want!) so when the sugar levels in your blood is high, the amount of suger in your eyes is higher causing you to see less and less because of the sugar! So that's not your actual eyesight, just the sugar blocking your eyes. I have to do about 3 or 4 check ups when I feel good (so when my sugar is stable) and then they'll check if it's the sugar causing my problems or my actual eyes...

34.   Bake a cake
I made a Nigella cake! ^_^ twice even, for my mom's birthday and my own... yum!
52.   Watch 5 Asian Drama series (0/5)
 - Currently watching a few dramas but didn't finish any yet.. (Ouran and Ikemen desu ne!)
53.   Watch 20 movies in the cinema (20/20)
 I've watched quite a lot more movies and didn't post about them! I finished this a while ago...
- The Hangover 2
   BEEPING AWESOME MOVIE PEOPLE! I thought it was even better than the first... <3
- X-Men: First Class
  Aaaah... I fell in love with this movie (and with James McAvoy all over again). I've had my 'James' period before when I was totally psyched about Becoming Jane (most of you won't know this movie I guess). I'm still totally head over heels hahaha. My BFF (;D) Lin and I still have our moments when we spazz about him or the slash in X-Men.. aaah.. shipping reminds me of Supernatural xD <3
But besides that I also just loved the movie itself. X-Men is probably the one comic I loved most out of all. I like most comics btw ;p
- Rabat
  That's a duch movie, enough said. (It was alright btw)
- Gooische vrouwen
  Yet another dutch movie, lol.
- Kungfu Panda 2
  AAAAHHH LOOOVEDDD IT!! It was so much bette than the 1st one *_*
- Transformers: Darkside of the Moon
  It was okay, but I didn't think it was as cool as the previous ones D: Yes I actually missed Megan Fox, BECAUSE her character had developed a kind of relationship you can't just ship off and replace her with a girl who tries to be a Megan Fox. Sorry it annoyed me, other than that I don't really care about Megan Fox XD.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
  cried my beeping eyes out....... really my childhood came to an end when the movie ended. T__T I want to watch it again!! AND AGAIN! and the 3D effect were really good too and I'm not pro-3D. It was amazing to finally see this amazing story from beginning to end. If you haven't at least watched all of the movies, be ashamed. I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE HARRY POTTER.
- Horrible Bosses
  It was really funny XD

78.   Give a 21st birthday party
86.   Go to an Anime Convention

I went to Abunaicon 2011 with m friends and wore a  kigu~ a piggy  one ^^ KUROI BUTA FTW. <3
95.   Tie a note to a balloon and let it go

Up in the air!

Hi guys! ^^

I'd like to tell you about a certain day zero project goal I did together with my bff Lin~ <3
Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn <3

We both bought a balloon so we could tie a note to it and let it go.
We decided we had to write something inspiring on the note, something that would cheer up the person who would find it.


My quote is from Yamashita Tomohisa's song "After the Rain", which helped me through a very rough time tbh. I won't discuss what it was, but I didn't enjoy a single day at that time. The only thing keeping me going was music, and Yamashita's single "Loveless" (with all the extra's like After the Rain) really kept me going. I was able to give a meaning to parts of the songs because some songs weren't about what I felt, but when I just listened to single sentences it made sense to my problems.
ANYWAY, I'm very happy now and I want to share the quote "Imagine that sunshine after rain" with other people who might need it as much as I did.

It really felt like I let go of that period in my life >w< felt goood! We eventually didn't see the balloons afterwards tho xD
(We were in Amsterdam and I was about to take the train home, hence the trolly thing)

donderdag, september 22, 2011


Hi guys!!

I've been so busy lately. I started writing a new blog post a week or two ago, but I was sick for a week so I didn't finish. :( Sorry!!
During that time it also wasn't sure if I could attend school again, because I didn't pass a certain exam... STRESS I TELL YOU! Eventually, after mailing back and forth with school and its board they allowed me to continue my educational path.... Thank the Lord!
I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I really, really, REALLY wanted to do this specific major (it's just half a year of school, but I think it's called "major" in english xD lol) which is called "mediastiek" it's short for "Media" and "Journalistiek" which means "Media" (obviously) and "Journalism". So in english we should call it medialism or something LOL. We're asked to make a product, mostly a video, like a documentary or promotional video (or even both). It's also possible that we have to use other kinds of media, a magazine or something. I am in total love with work like this. I love to be creative and actually MAKE something. Last year I've been all about media and I've developed some kind of love for it. I've made several magazines and a promotional video for Seaport Xperience Centre (SXC) and now I can put all that experience to the test. I've been assigned the project "IMCK/Iraq" which I am currently working on (for about 1,5 week now). I'm excited and a little anxious too, because I probably have to go to Iraq (Kurdistan to be exact) for a week. From what I hear, this place is safe, but my friends and family are preeettyyy scared that something might happen to me anyway. But! It's a life experience I should not pass on. But, if you know me, I'm pretty much a girl who plays it safe, so this is quite a challenge! We're still in our research mode and it's slowing starting but we're having fun. I'm currently reading Judit Neurink's books, "Mijn Iraakse familie" and "De bange stad". If you're interested, then it's a must read...
Also, we're trying to gather enough money to fund our project so if you want to donate us, even like 50 cents xD, then please do! *Onegaishimasu!*

Enough updating! Let me tell you something about a very special day last sunday: It was my 21st birthday!! Yaaay!!

My amazing friends and family threw me a surprise party! SO SURPRISED!
One of my friends told me that they didn't have anything planned for me which made me really, really upset because they gave me this amazing present last year and this year it's my 21st birthday. I still don't like it that she lied about that xD. But anyway, the party was super cool! They tricked me into coming to a friend's house to 'pick up some china for the party' when everyone was there waiting to surprise me. I didn't know they were there yet because my friends live all across the Netherlands and I (unfortunately) live up north where no living soul would want to live (just kidding xD). They called me that they had some kind of car trouble and that they heard a loud BANG and had to pull over, blahblah. xD All a lie!
After that they blindfolded me and brought me to a 'secret location'. ....I only knew what the location was. I've been living in this town for 21 years now, and I've know the place where they held the party for 15 years or so, so when we walked towards it I was like "Are we going to DIB"? (It's called DIB, "De Indische Buurt") And my mom was all like noooooo what are you talking about! But when we entered I could even SMELL the place LOL!
Anyway, almost all of my friends were there and if I celebrated it in my house it'd be one full house... I missed 1 special friends at my party but she's currently in England, so she had a good excuse hahaha.

They also gave me amazing presents! Let me show you:

OEEEH SUPERNATURAAAAL *_____* I'm really glad with all my presents and I wanted them really bad but the Supernatural blu-ray was on the top of my list (I made a wish list! Search for it!).
I want to thank my nii-chan once again~ You know me so well =D <3

I also got Vans, not exactly the ones I wanted but they're awesome as well!! <3 I couldn't take a picture unfortunately, but you'll see them soon enough probably. ^^ I also got pretty pink flowers! =D But it was late and I couldn't take a good picture of them... :(
My parents are going to help me fund my drivers license~ so that's their gift! Some people also gave me money to help me fund it LOL xD I hope I can soon drive like a madwoman! YAY! *fast and the furious images in head*

Anyway guys, this blog post is way too long already so I'll call it a day now, hope I'll update soon again!