vrijdag, februari 25, 2011


I've been busy again, lol. I started my internship a week ago and it made me realize how much I actually want to be active again (not just with this blog but on other communities too.)
I recently joined Tumblr and re-entered the magical world of DeviantART. It's been too long and I have some things to post there. ^^ I also started another blog, entirely for my personal art (and art-related things). It's not nearly done yet, I have to work on the layout and such, but it's online. XD Planning on changing it soon though! =3
Something I álso did, was start a Day Zero Project.. I'm very psyched about that one... =D Wish me luck!

Things I still have to do are finish the video project I was working on for school.. We have to change some minor things to get an 8. I guess it's worth it, because if we don't do it we'll get a 7. *sigh*
I'm also going to translate a book for a family friend! ^^ I wonder how that'll go, lol. I've never done that before, but I think I can pull such a thing off. =3

So much to do, so little time!! *runs* ..Oh, that reminds me.. I'm always able to create time to watch my favorite TV shows.... Only a few more days until the epic new Supernatural episode airs!! I'M SO EXCITEDDD!! I'm so curious about Misha XD

I'll keep you posted! *jumps into bed* (Time to sleep!)

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