donderdag, september 22, 2011


Hi guys!!

I've been so busy lately. I started writing a new blog post a week or two ago, but I was sick for a week so I didn't finish. :( Sorry!!
During that time it also wasn't sure if I could attend school again, because I didn't pass a certain exam... STRESS I TELL YOU! Eventually, after mailing back and forth with school and its board they allowed me to continue my educational path.... Thank the Lord!
I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I really, really, REALLY wanted to do this specific major (it's just half a year of school, but I think it's called "major" in english xD lol) which is called "mediastiek" it's short for "Media" and "Journalistiek" which means "Media" (obviously) and "Journalism". So in english we should call it medialism or something LOL. We're asked to make a product, mostly a video, like a documentary or promotional video (or even both). It's also possible that we have to use other kinds of media, a magazine or something. I am in total love with work like this. I love to be creative and actually MAKE something. Last year I've been all about media and I've developed some kind of love for it. I've made several magazines and a promotional video for Seaport Xperience Centre (SXC) and now I can put all that experience to the test. I've been assigned the project "IMCK/Iraq" which I am currently working on (for about 1,5 week now). I'm excited and a little anxious too, because I probably have to go to Iraq (Kurdistan to be exact) for a week. From what I hear, this place is safe, but my friends and family are preeettyyy scared that something might happen to me anyway. But! It's a life experience I should not pass on. But, if you know me, I'm pretty much a girl who plays it safe, so this is quite a challenge! We're still in our research mode and it's slowing starting but we're having fun. I'm currently reading Judit Neurink's books, "Mijn Iraakse familie" and "De bange stad". If you're interested, then it's a must read...
Also, we're trying to gather enough money to fund our project so if you want to donate us, even like 50 cents xD, then please do! *Onegaishimasu!*

Enough updating! Let me tell you something about a very special day last sunday: It was my 21st birthday!! Yaaay!!

My amazing friends and family threw me a surprise party! SO SURPRISED!
One of my friends told me that they didn't have anything planned for me which made me really, really upset because they gave me this amazing present last year and this year it's my 21st birthday. I still don't like it that she lied about that xD. But anyway, the party was super cool! They tricked me into coming to a friend's house to 'pick up some china for the party' when everyone was there waiting to surprise me. I didn't know they were there yet because my friends live all across the Netherlands and I (unfortunately) live up north where no living soul would want to live (just kidding xD). They called me that they had some kind of car trouble and that they heard a loud BANG and had to pull over, blahblah. xD All a lie!
After that they blindfolded me and brought me to a 'secret location'. ....I only knew what the location was. I've been living in this town for 21 years now, and I've know the place where they held the party for 15 years or so, so when we walked towards it I was like "Are we going to DIB"? (It's called DIB, "De Indische Buurt") And my mom was all like noooooo what are you talking about! But when we entered I could even SMELL the place LOL!
Anyway, almost all of my friends were there and if I celebrated it in my house it'd be one full house... I missed 1 special friends at my party but she's currently in England, so she had a good excuse hahaha.

They also gave me amazing presents! Let me show you:

OEEEH SUPERNATURAAAAL *_____* I'm really glad with all my presents and I wanted them really bad but the Supernatural blu-ray was on the top of my list (I made a wish list! Search for it!).
I want to thank my nii-chan once again~ You know me so well =D <3

I also got Vans, not exactly the ones I wanted but they're awesome as well!! <3 I couldn't take a picture unfortunately, but you'll see them soon enough probably. ^^ I also got pretty pink flowers! =D But it was late and I couldn't take a good picture of them... :(
My parents are going to help me fund my drivers license~ so that's their gift! Some people also gave me money to help me fund it LOL xD I hope I can soon drive like a madwoman! YAY! *fast and the furious images in head*

Anyway guys, this blog post is way too long already so I'll call it a day now, hope I'll update soon again!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm glad you still had an awesome day! :D at first it was like: SOME PEOPLE SHOULD SAY THEY CAN'T MAKE IT AT ALL THAT DAY! I was like: Are you mad?! It'll break her heart! D:< *disapprove*. Haha. Oh well! Het was echt heel leuk! Wat zou het next year worden..? Hehe ;D

  2. Aaah you know me so weeeell!! XD Ik had het echt een kut feest gevonden als jullie dat hadden gedaan xD
    Next year, hmmmmm...... het moet nog EPICER!
    haha! XD <3
