woensdag, december 15, 2010

Best Artists

Ofcourse, NEWS preformed in Nihon TV's Musical Programme: Best Artists. Because they simply are! ;D Well to me anyway. :3 (from Yamapi's Diary on facebook) I really love their performance, especially when Tegoshi starts airboxing at the beginning of "Fighting Man" XD
And to hear Kibou ~YELL~ after so long O^O I wasn't even a fan when they released that one *hides*.

Aaaahh Fighting Man is such an epic song btw. XD Love the ending, because THEY ARE FIGHTING MEEEEN =D. hahaha.. Also, don't be wet, get a grip? xD I still don't really get that line, but hey, it's catchy!

Aaahhh and Pi's album is almost done!! *___* I'm SOOO excited for it, I personally like his style more than NEWS' for some reason.. but still love both ofcourse. =3


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